At the end of 2 h of digestion, 1% soy protein isolate containing gels had the highest brix values showing that after a certain concentration, soy protein isolate governed the system due to improved soy protein‐pectin interaction or due to improved gelation with Maillard reaction. Moisture content of the samples increased after digestion and presence of SPI induced higher water uptake. Digestion decreased the hardness of the gels (p<0.05), but, at 2.5% SPI concentration. In this study, in vitro gastric digestion behaviour of the gels formulated with D‐allulose, a low‐calorie rare sugar, soy protein isolate (SPI) (1%, 2.5%) and pectin (4%) were examined. Understanding the rate of digestion of these products is also important for selecting the appropriate formulation. Changing their formulations by substituting the sugar with alternative natural sweeteners and functionalizing them the addition of proteins has gained attention. Confectionery gels are known to be high caloric products due their high sugar content.